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On another forum I frequent they have one for going to the photo gallery which is a separate page thingy.
ooh, clever.
How would that be of any use?
A board that redirects you to a website.
Oh, and Dougie, what's a redirect board?
There you go, have fun, kids!
Re: the location thing, it's in the same place as your other profile settings, i.e. Profile > Account Settings. Those of us who live in the UK, there are options for England, Scotland and United Kingdom, so choose carefully...
I apologise and I added that in today. Go play. Gogogogo.
Doug has failed to tell you all that the shoutbox now exists again.

Oh, and there appears to be some sort of facility where you can tell the forum which country you're in. I'll go and find out about that now, and post again in a few minutes.
Updates are now in the blog! / Re: Browsers
Last post by Vice Rear Cabinboy Bobo Gargle - June 13, 2011, 04:46:55 PM
With SMF2, click WAP2 down the bottom for a more mobile friendly site. There will be no shoutbox though.
As yoy may have noticed, the forum looks a bit different. This is because Simple Machines Forum 2.0 (finally) went gold, so I upgraded.

The obvious noticable change is the new theme, which is prettier. The next one is the shout box, which has gone missing, possibly because it's not compatible with the new theme. I'll try to find a new one.

The admin console has had a bit of a makeover, which is now slightly easier to use.

The new post screen has also been changed... you can now resize the text entry screen regardless of the browser you use, and if you enable it, you can now have a rich text editor, which shows your formatting in real time. There's a button on the toolbar to enable this: it's the cursor in square brackets on the second row (last icon on my screen).

In the meantime, look around and see what other new features you can find :D